Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Song for Today

Every Little Thing (by Delirious)

Everything must change
There’s a mirror showing me the ugly truth
These bones they ache with holy fire
But I’ve got nothing to give, just a life to live
If your world is without colour
I will carry you, if you carry me

Every little thing’s gonna be alright
Every little thing’s gonna be alright [x2]

There’s no-one else to blame
I live my life between the fire and the flame
I’ve built my house where the ocean meets the land
It’s time to live again, pull my dreams out of the sand
Let your world be full of colour
I will carry you, if you carry me

When it’s all falling down on you
You’re crying out but you’re breaking in two
When it’s all crashing down on you
When there’s nothing you can do
There is someone who can carry you

Written by Martin Smith/Stuart Garrard ©2003 Curious? Music UK

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Human Tetris!

Tetris was the game of choice for my sister and I for many summers in my childhood. So, I was delighted to find that the Japanese have a human tetris television show! Thank you http://blazingcenter.blogspot.com for this excellent find.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Yesterday was a very interesting day, I went for a wonderful run and experienced a terrific thunderstorm (golf-ball sized hail!), and the topic of joy was on my mind. This is an old poem about joy.

From "The Valley of Vision"

O Christ,
All thy ways of mercy tend to and end in my delight.
Thou didst weep, sorrow, suffer that I might rejoice.
For my joy thou hast sent the Comforter,
multiplied thy promises,
shown me my future happiness,
given me a living fountain.
Thou art preparing joy for me and me for joy;
I pray for joy, wait for joy, long for joy;;
give me more than I can hold, desire, or think of.
Measure out to me my times and degrees of joy,
at my work, business, duties.
If I weep at night, give me joy in the morning.
Let me rest in the thought of thy love,
pardon for sin, my title to heaven,
my future unspotted state.
I am unworthy recipient of thy grace.
I often disesteem thy blood and slight thy love,
but can in repentance draw water
from the wells of thy joyous forgiveness.
Let my heart leap towards the eternal sabbath,
where the work of redemption, sanctification,
preservation, glorification is finished
and perfected for ever,
where thou wilt rejoice over me with joy.
There is no joy like the joy of heaven,
for in that state are no sad divisions,
unchristian quarrels,
contentions, evil designs,
weariness, hunger, cold,
sadness, sin, suffering,
persecutions, toils of duty.
O healthful place where none are sick!
O happy land where all are kings!
O holy assembly where all are priests!
How free a state where none are servants
except to Thee!
Bring me speedily to the land of joy.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Wonderful Movie: Joyeux Noël

I watched a movie with my roommate tonight called Joyeux Noël, it was wonderful. It is a true story about German, French and Scottish soldiers had a cease-fire on Christmas eve in WWI.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Des Moines Adventure!

This weekend I went to Des Moines (Iowa) to visit my friend Andrea. We went walking around a beautiful lake and also went to a fun new grocery store (I bought some black rice).

And, I fufilled a life-long dream - I was able to ride in a paddle-boat! You pedal like a recumbant bicycle, and it's very fun!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Julia = Abulia?

I learned a new word today from 'word of the day' at www.yourdictionary.com: abulia.  It sounds suspiciously like me, as I really dislike decision-making...

Word of the Day: Abulia (Noun)

Pronunciation: [ê-'bu-li-yê]
Definition: A loss of volition or the ability to make decisions.
Usage: The adjective is "abulic," also used to refer to a person suffering from this dysfunction.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Minnesotan Adventure Pictures

Here are the pictures of my Minnesotan adventure. It was so much fun! I did two first-time-ever new things:

(1) rode in a pontoon boat and and (2) swung from a rope into the lake

And one second-time ever thing: went caneoing!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

This weekend I went to visit my dear friend Joanna at her grandparent's cabin in Minnesota. It was the furthest I have ever driven by myself! It was wonderful - more pictures to follow!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Rose Petals

This Jewish Synagogue was across the street from our hotel in Paris. I could not decide if I like the picture with or without the blue door...